Inspection Services
DWH specializes in inspections, performing nondestructive testing (NDT) inspection on lifting gears, cargo baskets & all down-hole drilling inventory ranging from OCTG & drill pipes, crown to the drill bits. All our inspectors are API certified.

Inspection services
- Magnetic particle Inspection.
- Liquid Penetrant.
- Ultra Sonic Testing.
- Handling Tools (Slips And Elevators).
- Radiography Testing & Interpretation.
- Non-Destructive testing.
- Lifting Equipment Inspection Services

OCTG inspection services
- Drill Pipe Inspection.
- Riser Inspection.
- Casing Inspection.
- Bottom Hole Inspection.

Recertification of 600Ton Crane
- Assembly and rectification of 600ton crane.
- Certification lifting beams and accessories.